Sunday, September 9, 2018


This is the first time I have done a blog for the Lavender Attic so I should really explain who I am and what The Lavender Attic is.

My name is Stephen Cresswell, I have been a crafter for most of my life, and now having taken early retirement decided to put that experience into creating home decor, bespoke greetings cards and all things crafty for sale.

The name The Lavender Attic came around due to the fact that until I move home at the end of this year and have my own studio, all things are created up in the attic of my house and at the time of thinking about the company I was in the throws of making Lavender Hearts to sell at a charity fair for Cats Protection.

Yes I have two cats, Thomas and Peppa.  Thomas is now an old boy of 11 years and Peppa is a new recruit as a chum for Tommy who seems to think that she can help with all the sewing, typing and packing etc.

At present I am based in Kent but will be shortly moving back up to Yorkshire after a lot of years where I am hoping to return to my roots.

Once I have everything sorted more posts will appear including details of everything I have made and am in the process of making along with hopefully some interesting bits and pieces of inspiration and help for anyone out there who would like to take advantage of it.

Now for a cuppa.


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